Thursday, May 24, 2012

6 Weeks 6 Days

Yup its true! Brian and I are expecting our first child together January 11, 2013. We could not be more thrilled! We are both so excited! Today baby is 6 weeks & 6 Days along. We have a long way to go, and we haven't announced it yet, except for my parents and my sister and my two besties, Hey a girl needs someone to talk to about the miracle in her belly :) We are not going to spread the love until about 12 weeks. We had an unfortunate misscarriage last month, I was supposed to be 9 weeks along, but the babies heart stopped beating around 6 weeks. I had a very natural, painful misscarriage, I would not wish this pain on anyone or the emotional rollercoaster a woman has to go through during a time like this. It is simply devastating. Its amazing how much you learn to love something from the first positive result! Luckily my body bounced back to healthy right away and everything went perfect. Obviously because I ovulated 2 weeks later and were pregnant again! My mom calls me fertile myrtle! We had our first OB appt on Tuesday, The baby measured 6 weeks 4 days ;) We saw the heartbeat and even got to hear the heartbeat, which was amazing because most of the time you can't hear it that early! Our little bun must have a strong heart, just like mommy and daddy!
Our little grain of rice, the little white dot at the top left of the wall is our little boy/girl! So crazy we heard the heartbeat from something soo smally!
Due to our misscarriage we have another ultrasound on Tuesday May 29, 2012 just to make sure babys heart is still beating and still growing as it should. Extra cautious due to the misscarriage and me getting pregnant again so fast. So im nervous and excited all at the same time. Its in Gods Hands! But the way mommy is feeling with all the nausea, I think this one is sticking :)

I'll be updating everyweek and / or at milestones so stay tuned for the wonderful pregnancy of Our new little addition coming soon.

How far along? 6 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: -2
Maternity clothes? Nope
Sleep: I sleep but not good, restless at night, need my daily naps
Best moment this week: hearing & seeing the heartbeat for the first time
Movement: n/a
Food cravings: I wish, right now I force myself to eat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything! Im a big bowl of nausea! Meat especially!
Have you started to show yet: nope but ive gained some weight over the past 6 months so I may not show for  a while
Gender prediction: Boy 
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Neither just plain sick!
Looking forward to: Tuesday to make sure we made it past the 6.5 mark and our in the clear!

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