Friday, June 22, 2012

11 Weeks - 1 MORE WEEK!!!!

Ahh 11 Weeks we are ALMOST in the safe zone! Doctor Appt on Wednesday, as soon as mommy hears that heartbeat through the doppler again it will be a VERY EXCITING DAY! Time to spill the Beans!!! Although im soo Nervous and Excited all at the same time!

This week was rough, I had horrible body aches, like when you get the flu, all over my arms my back, my legs i could barely stand up I was soo sick, and on top of that I had a headache the size of TEXAS that would just not go away I was miserable. So needless to say with that I was freaking out, thinking something was wrong ( which I hope not) Prayers please!

Nausea subsides for a couple days, and then it reoccurs, my symptoms are slowly letting up but not fully, They say around week 13 and 14 they are normally gone and you start to feel great! Good Lord I hope so! This has been rough on Me!

Mommy is starting to show, slightly, Still just look fat and not pregnant! My pants are starting to squeeze on my uterus so its a little uncomfortable! Other than that im good to go!

Thats pretty much my exciting journey this week/ boring/ uneventful and sick! Just sooooo excited for next week!!!!

How far along? 11 Weeks!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: -6
Maternity clothes? Nope
Sleep: What is sleep???

Best moment this week: None...... Sick
Movement: n/a
Food cravings: Today = pappa johns cheesticks!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat, Milk and Smoke and Gas ...same
Have you started to show yet: teeny tiny bit, the bottom of my stomach is getting hard!
Gender prediction: GIRL, GIRL, GIRL!
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  MOODY, CRYING, MISERABLE THIS WEEK!!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

10 Weeks 1 Day

Our little nugget at 9 weeks 3 days (6/11/12)
He/She looks like an upside down cockroach! LOL
Baby grew to 1 inch and has a 165/bpm heart rate :)

Well this week has been a whirlwind. I made it to 10 Weeks though :) Woke up Monday morning with some tingling and numbness in my right leg and right foot, which eventually led to tingling and numbness in my right forearm and hand, which almost felt like I was losing circulation. I called my OB's office and they told me since I'm tingling i need to go to the ER, "oh what fun" So after 3 hours in the ER, blood work, some standard nuero testing, I was dehydrated and need to be seen by a Nuero Doc, so my OB admitted me for the night! Not Fun! I had another ultrasound though which was exciting, babies heart rate was 165/bpm very strong! Baby has also grown HE/SHE was about an inch! The heartbeat was soo fast and loud i started crying, there is no feeling in the world better than hearing that heartbeat ;) I was then hooked up to an IV, I was dehydrated (Thanks to M/S), With all that said, Baby and I are fine and doing great! I guess it was nothing to concerning so that makes me feel better!
Our 12 week doctor appt is Just over a week away! Unfortunetly were sad because we dont' get the 12 week ultrasound now and have to wait for our 20 week genetic/gender scan 10 more weeks and we will now if our little nugget is a boy or a girl!
Mommy is definitly starting to feel better,  I'm able to eat more, drink more, and not be running to puke every other second. I'm able to get out of bed and move around and actually do stuff again for the most part. I do still get nautious and I get extremely fatigued, I need my 2 hour power naps otherwise I will not make it through the day, but I am about 75% better than week 7 & 8, those were by far my worst weeks!
Well thats pretty much all the interesting stuff that happened with me and baby this week! Until next week....

How far along? 10 weeks 1 Day
Total weight gain/loss: -6
Maternity clothes? Nope
Sleep: I get nausea at night now ;( so not good 

Best moment this week: being able to clean the house/ getting to hear baby's heartrate agin
Movement: n/a
Food cravings: Not really, nothing to crazy

Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat, Milk and Smoke and Gas
Have you started to show yet: Nope
Gender prediction: Hmmm I had a hunch it was a girl this week......
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy but starting to get moody :(

Looking forward to: Our 12 week app the 27th

Friday, June 8, 2012

9 Weeks!!!

Ahhhh 9 weeks, Feels spectacular! Why you say because that means I only have 3 more weeks left of this horrid morning sickness! ( fingers crossed) Baby and I are doing good, except for the fact that im running to the porcelain goddess every morning and every afternoon and every evening, but luckily I have been able to keep liquids down for the most part and my vitamins which is good news! I have become of professional sniffer, the smell of basically ANYTHING makes me want to vomit, especially the smell of SMOKE, ugh, I can not believe I was ever a smoker!

I went out browsing today, because today has actually been a good day, I haven't thrown up yet, needed to get out of the house and get some fresh air! I bought my first baby item today, its one of those bath towels for infants and it was a polar bear, it was just too cute I couldn't pass it up, its all white so it can go for a girl or boy! Although i wanted to buy every girl and boy outfit in the store ahhh 10 more weeks till we find out what it is! SOOO long from now!

2 weeks and 5 more days until I get another ultrasound and get to meet my new doctor! Im dying to see my little nugget again! The anticipation is killing me! We are also planning on announcing it too so that should be fun! We can't wait to tell Brianna she is going to have a little brother or sister soon :)

This week has been pretty boring, mostly just sick and tired,  getting very restless at night, not getting very good sleep, so my daily naps help out, except for the constant urge to pee! Hopefully things get more exciting in the next few weeks! Until then.....

How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -4
Maternity clothes? Nope
Sleep: Its been better...

Best moment this week: Today not hugging the toilet yet
Movement: n/a
Food cravings: hmmm random cravings, pizza, smoothies, popsicles

Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat, Milk, Smoke smell, pretty much everything.
Have you started to show yet: Nope
Gender prediction: Boy, Boy, Boy all the way
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy/Sick

Looking forward to:Days when i feel ok!