Saturday, September 15, 2012

24 Weeks

So I have officially have a little soccer player in my belly! Baby Boys kicks are frequent and regular and getting strong! Unfortunetly we can't feel them from the outside, so brian can't feel him yet.. but hopefully soon. I finally look like i have a minature basketball for my belly, i look preggo now and not just fat, and my belly expands past my chest finally! hehe I took this picture this morning and just have been obsessed i don't know why, maybe cuz its the first picture ive taken that actually looks like im having a baby :) My little boy is growing so fast 16 more weeks to go :) I am so much more in love everyday and can't wait to meet him!

Although everything is good and healthy with baby and I, we have had a rough couple of weeks, with family issues, some resolved, some not, trying to switch OB's ( which has been hell) Deciding to move out of the place were living right before baby is born, house issues, all 3 dogs got sick at the same time, school ( i think i spread myself thin this sememster) anxiety, its been rough! But hopefully we will make it through it all!

So about 2 weeks ago, I went on a crazy shopping spree, I felt as if i had nothing and was unprepared so I went a little crazy so i could feel like we are getting well prepared. Since the only big thing we really had was the carseat and stroller, i purchased the playpen, the swing, the bouncing seat, the activity gym for the floor, the baby bath tub, some more clothes, the diaper genie, the bottles, some pacifiers, and some odds and ends. Yes i went a little crazy and definitly broke my pockets. The only big stuff we have left is the nursery furniture, the monitors, and the breast pump. We still need a lot of stuff, sheets, blankets, lotions, diapers etc... well get there, but i definitly feel a lot better that we are some what prepared now.

Well that pretty much sums up my last month of excitement... Tune in for some more soon.

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +3
Maternity clothes? Shorts
Sleep: It depends on the night...
Best moment this week: none, i was sick with a virus all week :(
Movement: oh yeah regularly, kicks are getting more frequent and stronger and stronger
Food cravings: mmm lets just say i ate and entire 14oz of mint chocolate chip ice cream the other day :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: not queasy, but still can't eat chicken. i think this may remain the whole pregnancy.
Have you started to show yet: oh yes see pic above :) my little basketball
Gender prediction: ITS A BOY!
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  HAPPY, VERY ANXIOUS A LIL STRESSED, TIRED

Looking forward to:  Hmmm besides the day i get to meet my little fella, Not sure there is really nothing in the near future thats keeping me on edge....

Friday, August 24, 2012

Due Date Moved Up:)

So today was my 20w appt, the norm pee in a cup, check your blood pressure, heartbeat, and measurement! Everything is good ;) Dr. Gave results back for blood work and anatomy scan. Blood work came back good for downs and cystic, which means baby is very low risk of having it. Blood work showed 1 in 800 then with the scan results it went to 1 in 3300! So that is great news! He also said the anatomy scan looked good baby is doing great and growing fine. Baby also measured 5 days ahead. So my due date changed to 1/6/13. Very exciting. Maybe it will be a christmas or new years baby :) I still have a hunch that this little boy will be here in DEC. Don't know why but im just convinced! so instead of 20 weeks I am now 20w 5 days almost a week ahead of schedule :) I only gained 1 pound again. Im sure i will start gaining more soon! but in the meantime I'm glad I have no been one to gain that much, considering I had some lbs to spare :)
20 w 5 days
 Mommy is feeling great! Although I have been getting a lot of anxiety, and these past couple weeks have been stressful! Doc says i need to stay away from stress... so I cut out the fat and the problems in my life and im starting to feel a lot lighter :) I do have lots more energy, although I do get out of breath more often then not. School started again and Im taking a full schedule 4 classes and going 4 days a week. So I have been a busy little bee :) Its good though it keeps my mind occupied, and I really like my Psych class. I think I might make a career out of it, we shall see. By the time school is done I will be ready to pop! Just in time for baby :)! Very excited to have my parents and sisters here when baby boy comes, especially around the holidays!

So last weekend Brian and I went shopping for some newborn clothes and blankets and such. I have always been drawn to girl clothes everytime I go into a store. But there are actually such cute little boy clothes! I loved it I had so much fun! Frogs and giraffes and elephants! We bought some recieving blankets and some sox, and onesies and some PJ's. Im soo excited I just want to hold my little boy! Next thing on our list is the play pen/ pack and play. We have decided to use that as our bassinet as well. We dont' really see a point in the bassinet( yes its smaller) but why waste more money when the pack and play is just as comfortable as the bassinet. Which personally i don't think either of those plastic mattress are comfy, but whatever!

Well thats pretty much everything exciting thats happened lately. Next month have to do some more bloodwork, my glucose testing to make sure my body is proccesing that sugar! arghhh! Hopefully everything turns out just fine! but until then.....

How far along? 20 weeks but due date moved up so 20 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: +3
Maternity clothes? Just Maternity shorts
Sleep: It depends on the night...
Best moment this week: feeling baby move soo much
Movement: Yup a couple times a day :) so nice, but it does not feel like butterflies!
Food cravings: None really
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken Still
Have you started to show yet: OH yeah getting bigger
Gender prediction:BOY and it is a BOY!!!
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, anxious, Tired!

Looking forward to:  Shopping :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Verdict Is In...........


Wee Wee

Baby Feet :)

So last Wednesday the 15th was the anatomy scan for the baby, The tech seemed to be sure that everything was good and we have a healthy happy boy on our hands. I haven't heard from the doctor after the scan so I am assuming NO news is GOOD NEWS! I have my 20 week appt on Friday and I will get the results of my blood work and anatomy scan. Im thinking everything turned out just fine:) or I'm sure they would of called me.
So its exciting to finally know what I am growing in my belly! Its exciting to know what I can shop for now :) Little boy stuff is soo cute, he is going to be such a little rock star! My family could not be more thrilled to be adding a boy into the family after 4 girls! and 2 granddaughters and only 1 grandson so far. So finally we will have number 2 boy on the way in the fam.
Baby boy is moving like crazy! he is sitting super low and i swear he is playing on top of my bladder! Tonight I was laying in bed and felt a kick and i actually felt it on my hand through my stomach this time which was very exciting!!! Its so reassuring to feel him move! I can't wait for his arrival, I know he will make my life just a little bit brighter, nothing compares to what i feel for this little one already, I am sooo inlove with him!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

18 Weeks 4 Days

Oh hello Baby Bump and maternity shorts, Yup its official I am in the spandex band shorts! ahhh. Although I still have not gained a pound! Somedays I do if i eat too much but mostly I have remained the same! Which is great! Maybe baby is eating all my stored Fat! bahahah! Otherwise I feel great!

Sooo even though Im going to blog tomorrow I just couldn't stay away Im WAY TOOO EXCITED! Soo Tomorrow we find out if Baby is on Team Pink or Team Blue! Im soo anxious I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight! I have very vivid dreams that the tech is pointing out the peepee and saying ITS a boy, but then I sit there and think that what if it is a Girl! I don't know. Its all soo weird that we will be finding out, I am kind of nervous because I feel like i went all this way without knowing, why not just wait and and be surprised?!?!?! But then I would feel very unprepared and Brian Really really really wants to know! Plus everytime we go into the store to buy something nuetral we veer towards not buying it because we want to wait till we know! ahhh! I just can't believe the day has finally come!!!!

So back to school for me next week! I have 4 classes this semester and the semester ends exactly when i will be 9 months! I hope i don't get warn out and tired or too big to drive! Plus I have speech this semester so i will be nice and big and pregnant and giving speeches! YIKES!

Well i guess Life has been boring... Until tomorrow!!!!

How far along? 18 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: +/- 1
Maternity clothes? yup maternity shorts....
Sleep: I have myself a new boyfriend... my leopard print body pillow! Some nights i sleep some nights i do not
Best moment this week: Will be tomorrow when we find out if baby weiner is a boy or girl :))
Movement: Yes, i feel like the baby is tumbling on my pelvis!
Food cravings: Chocolate...!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken Still
Have you started to show yet: Yuppers! I got me a bump ;)
Gender prediction:BOY
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, anxious, Tired!

Looking forward to:  Tomorrow! Boy or Girl :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

16 weeks continued.....

So I went to my family physician on Friday morning because I have been having tightness and some swelling in my right calf. Doc decided he wanted me to go for an ultrasound of the Calve and Leg to check on the veins in my leg to make sure i was getting adequate bloodfall and was not forming a blood clot. So I went and got that done at the radiology place my friend works/shes the boss. Well since they already had the ultrasound machine for my leg we got to take a sneak peek at the baby..... We thought maybe we would be able to see the gender, the tech said at 16 weeks she most likely would be able to tell.....
Baby did not want to cooperate! He/She would not open its legs and plus the cord was between the legs! aww schucks... an IMPROMPTU ultrasound and baby didn't want to show off his privates! Must of been because Daddy wasn't there!! The cool part about it was Brianna got to see the baby on the screen, it was moving and kicking and shaking its legs, bouncing up and down! It was too cute! Made me feel good to see my little nugget again! I guess were gonna have to wait until the 15th to find out what it is!

Friday, July 27, 2012

16 weeks :)

16 Weeks
baby is measuring 5 inches Long
it now weighs 3.5 oz
about the size of an Avacado!

Ahh yes we made it to 4 months! The feeling of joy and excitement and relief! I had my 16 week appointment on Wednesday, babys heartbeat is at 148/bmp which is great! I only gained back 2 pounds this past month! Yeah i know after 20weeks I'll be packing on the pounds. Although I can finally eat salad and meat, well not chicken, and i can eat eggs again, which is great! This appointment i had to be sent to do bloodwork to look for genetic disorders, cystic fibrosis and downs syndrome gene. I think we should be ok, nither of those genetic disorders run on either side of the family so my chances should be slim to none! Lets keep our fingers crossed!

My clothes pretty much still fit except for bottoms I have a bump and its growing and its hard sooo crazy, by the end of the day with all the water and after eating it looks so much bigger! But i love looking at it knowing that our little nugget is in there!!!!!

We got to schedule our anatomy scan for August 15th, I will be 18w5days( you are supposed to do it at 20 weeks or more but with school starting and Brians work schedule its gonna be so hard to find time to get it done)so we get to do it a little early, hopefully everything turns out fine! The anatomy scan is where they make sure, the brain, liver, kidneys, heart are all good and developed and they don't see any problems! But the most exciting part of the scan is if little one cooperates we will know if its a BOY OR GIRL!!!!! Only 19 more days!!

Family has been rough lately, I swear its like feuding wars on both sides! Isn't having a baby supposed to make family come together? Apparently not, with my fight with my mother about my father not smoking when the baby comes and my sister telling me how its gonna be to raise a child even though she has none, and brians sister just continuously being rude and unsupportive its a huge mess! I think were better off just having our own little family and not worrying about anyone else! Our families just need to realize that we are sooo happy and just let us enjoy that, but apparently people can not do that!

Anywhoo, theres been ups and theres been downs, but we'll get through it!
Until next time........

How far along? 16 Weeks!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: 2
Maternity clothes? nope just bigger shorts
Sleep: Ugh, back to having horrible sleep, i can not get comfortable and my arms fall asleep!
Best moment this week: hearing the nuggets heartbeat again 148!
Movement: Yes, kind of, i feel little flutters or spurts of pressure, its weird.
Food cravings: Pizza and Chinese food this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: CHICKEN! I still can't eat it!
Have you started to show yet: Yuppers! I got me a bump ;)
Gender prediction:Ha i change my mind everyweek! This week i feel as though its a boy
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy but VERY EMOTIONAL Still crying at everything!
Looking forward to:  August 15th! We shall see if baby is a BOY or a GIRL!

Friday, July 20, 2012

15 Weeks

Holy Pregnant! I am definitly feeling pregnant lately. Baby grows and inch every week now so my belly is getting hard and expanding. Baby is now measuring 4 inches, about the size of an apple :) I have had ups and downs, somedays i feel great and cleaning and cooking and running around, other days i feel like i just drank a 12pk the night before. Went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago was having achy pains in my pelvic area they tested me for an infection which came back negative, checked for a heartbeat which was strong @ 158 bpm, checked my cervix it was closed... then he told me im experiencing Round ligament pain, which means that the ligament and tendons that hold the uterus is stretching which conflicts pain down there, Well yesterday it was Horrible i felt like i couldn't even walk at times! Its also sometimes scary cuz you feel like something is wrong, but no its just my uterus stretching getting ready for our growing baby :)

So we made our first big purchase which was our car seat and stroller, I really wanted a 3 wheeled stroller so i can rollerblade or jog after the baby is born, Its supposed to be alot more flexible that way! No it is not a gender specific color, it is actually BLK & White, we both love it and for most things we are going gender nuetral so when we decide to have another we can use it again :) We decided to buy one big item a month so we dont' have to buy everything all at once, next on our list is probaly the monitors which are really neat now a days love how they have the screen so you can see the baby and put the camera on the crib! ahh technology these days makes me soo happy.... :)

I had some inspiration this week and sketched out how i want the nursery! Never knew i was such a good designer, Brian loves it and thinks its a great idea... Soo mommy is very happy.

My 16 week appt is on Wednesday, the usual pee, check for heartbeat, BP, ask how im doing. This time though im getting sent for bloodwork (like i haven't gave them enough already) But around this time they check for cystic fibrosis - which last time was negative, dosen't run in either or our families, and then they check for the down syndrome gene, I don't think we should have a problem with that either. BUT THE BEST PART OF the appt is that I get to schedule our 20 week ultrasound!!!! Which actually will probaly take place right at 19 weeks because i start school back full time week 20. WHICH MEANS....... we will soon know if baby weiner is a BOY or a GIRL :) we also get to make sure all the anatomy has formed, the liver, kidneys, fingers, toes, the 4 chambers of the heart, the measurments, the brain! So that will be a very exciting visit! So about 4 more weeks :)

I will post some belly pics next week, i want to get just a little bigger so its more noticeable :) Until then.....

How far along? 15 Weeks!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: 0 back to where i was pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? well not official maternity clothes but bigger shorts, my pants and jean shorts no longer fit my belly :( So i basically live in comfy clothes and two pairs of new shorts i bought :) 
Sleep: Better, when i don't have to get up and pee every 2 hrs.
Best moment this week: getting engergy, i have been walking and lifting weights
Movement: yes!!! slight flutters, no kicking but slight flutters its such a cool feeling
Food cravings: Sour gummie life savers have been my constant craving, also strawberry yogurt, peaches, veggies and grapefruit!

Anything making you queasy or sick: CHICKEN! I still can't eat it!
Have you started to show yet: Yuppers! I got me a bump ;)
Gender prediction: I don't know, all the old wives tales point to GIRL so we shall see
Labor Signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy but VERY EMOTIONAL i cry at everything, I get spurts of frustration, for some reason the dogs have made me lose my patience a few times
(i know who would of thought)

Looking forward to:  Wednesday, so i can hear my nuggets heartbeat again! it always makes me feel good and puts my mind at ease! Also being able to schedule my 20 week ultrasound, then we will know the definite day we find out if its a boy or girl!!!!!!!